June 1, 2016

Invite Joy and Silliness into Your Home

Happy June!!!

June is absolutely one of my favorite months....perfect for getting outside, log rolling down hills, playing with water balloons and just being plain silly with the kids.

As adults we have a load on our plate, and sometimes that adulting in hard.

There are bills to pay, mouths to feed
Decisions to make
Places to go and people to see

But life doesn't always have to be so serious. There are sweet moments spent making forts and shadow puppets with flashlights. There are times when washing the car in the driveway turns into a soapy water fight.

Those are the moments to relish, and this summer I encourage you to be silly and have fun with your kids. They grow up all too fast and one day will be adults, making those same hard adulting decisions that you are faced with right now.

Slow down.

Be silly


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